
The accumulation of water at low or irregular roof areas; also used to refer to the progressive accumulation of water from roof deflection due to rain loads.

Piece Mark

A number given to each separate part of the building for identification. Also called a mark number and part number.


The uppermost point of a gable.


A secondary, cold formed horizontal structural member located in the roof to support sheeting, that is itself supported by the primary structure framing.

Pre-engineered Building

Terminology previously used to describe steel building systems (metal building systems). This terminology was used when rigid frames were \’pre-engineered\’ for a desired load. Today, steel building systems are custom engineered to meet the size and design loads to meet the customers\’ needs.

Post-and-Beam Endframe

A structural framing system utilized at the endwall which is composed of corner post, end post and rake beams. These frames are used when a building will never be expanded in that direction.


An inclination or slope measured in degrees, or percent, or by the ratio of the rise and run.


Steel panels (cladding) act as the skin of the building. Panels cover the walls and roof of your steel building.

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