
Concealed fastener roof, Steelway’s trapezoidal standing seam system.

Roof System

The exterior roof surface consisting of panels, closures and attachments.

Roof Slope (x: 12)

This is the angle of the roof with respect to the horizontal. The most common roof slopes are 0.5/12 and 1/12. Any practical roof slope is possible.

Roof Purlin

A roof secondary member, which is secured to frame rafters and supports the roof covering.


The forming of metal shapes by applying pressure through rollers.

Rod Bracing

Rods are utilized in conjunction with purlins and girts to form a truss-type bracing system located in both roof and wall planes.


The highest point on the roof of the building, which describes a horizontal line running the length of the building.


A raised line in the flat portion of a metal panel (cladding or siding) that gives added strength and minimizes the appearance of oil canning.


Reactions are forces required to resist loads from a structure.


A fabricated primary structural member, that extends from the haunch member to the frame ridge. Any beam, in general, used in a primary frame to support the purlins.

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